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Top Skincare Mistakes That Could Be Damaging Your Skin

Top Skincare Mistakes That Could Be Damaging Your Skin

There are many Skincare mistakes that could be damaging your skin and in this article we will be discussing most of them.
Skincare is all about regime and taking care of your skin at all times. A small mistake like intake of  excess sugar or chocolate can end you up with an acne on your skin.

The food you eat also can be a big reason behind your skin acting up. There are certain mistakes that you make that could end up taking a toll on your skin.
Below are the top skincare mistakes that could be damaging your skin.

Not Knowing your Skin type

The beginning of a good skincare regime is to know your skin type and treating your skin concerns accordingly.

The wrong formulas can cause damage on your skin. If your skin feels tight or itchy year round, especially after cleansing,

Or you always feel lightweight moisturizer is not enough then you are likely to have a have dry skin. You might also experience some flakiness or scaling of skin.

When you notice a lot of excess oil on your face and you feel like you want to wash your face again midday then you are likely to have Oily skin.

click here  to find out more about  different skin types

Wearing your makeup to bed

Wearing your make up to bed is really a bad practice and you should probably stop if you engage in such practice.

This is one of the top most common skincare mistakes that could be damaging your skin without you even noticing.

Most of us are all guilty of doing it from time-to-time. Sleeping with our make-up on is quite common but for many reasons it is quite harmful for our skin health.

Sleeping with your make-up on can clog pores, cause breakouts, result in eye irritation which can also make it very difficult for our skin to breathe.


Not using Sunscreen regularly

One common skincare mistake we do is not wearing our sunscreen always. If there is one skincare routine we should have at heart is to always wear SPF every day.

This is the golden skincare rule and it doesn’t just apply to the summer months. UV radiation can be every bit as harmful in all seasons, which means your skin is

still under risk of developing sunburn, dark spots, fine lines and wrinkles making it very important and necessary to wear a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher that

protects against UVA and UVB rays.



Not drink much water ( DEHYDRATION )

This is the most common mistake we do unknowingly. Most of us are guilty of this mistake. Drinking water is very essential not just for skincare but also for over overall health

because water aids in good digestion, circulation and it’s important to keep yourself hydrated for naturally healthy skin.

If your skin is not getting the sufficient amount of water, the lack of hydration will lead to skin feeling dry, tight and flaky. Dry skin is much more prone to wrinkling



Applying Skincare products in the Wrong Order

Most common mistakes we make while applying our skincare is to apply them wrongly. It’s crucial to know the correct order in which to apply your

skincare products for them to give you the desired results.

click here to know the best way to apply your skincare products.


Improper exfoliation(Not Exfoliating Properly or Over-Exfoliating )

This particular skincare mistake should be given more attention. For our skin to get smoother and much more polished its recommended to do a proper exfoliation

But a lot of people have a bad exfoliating treatments that are actually causing damage to their skin.

Over-exfoliation can damage your skin’s moisture barrier, which in turn can cause lots of skin problems

like inflammation, acne, irritation and sensitivity.

Exfoliation is very important and has lots of benefits but over-exfoliation can cause more harm than good.

click here to read more about exfoliation and its benefits.

Not cleaning your makeup brushes or tools

This mistake is very common mistake  as so many of us are very reluctant washing our makeup brushes properly before using them again.

Using unclean makeup products is a big reason behind developing acne. If you have the habit of using makeup brushes and sponges, make sure to regularly wash them.


Touching our face / Popping pimples

This is where most of us belong to. its almost very impossible not to touch our face with our hands.

This common mistake may be very difficult to control but we should try to minimize how often we touch our face because our hands might be dirty

and we use it to touch our face leaving un-wanted bacteria on our face.

Popping our pimples is not advised and if you really must do you need to meet professionals or at least follow due procedures.

Popping your pimples will only spread the bacteria to the nearby areas.

Click here  to read more about causes of pimples and how to get rid of  them.

For more information kindly contact us

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