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A lot of factors causes wrinkles to appear but There’s actually no harm in having wrinkles.

A few facial lines can be endearing and add character to your face. But it is important to keep them in check.

Without medical or surgical intervention, it can be challenging to reverse the appearance of wrinkles once you have them.

But there are steps you can take and lifestyle changes you can make to slow down their appearance.


What causes wrinkles?

Everyone’s skin ages which is a natural occurrence. this is the reason why the skin of

a young child and the skin of a 90-year-old looks very different.

Skin loses elasticity as we age because collagen production slows down over time.

This process can be worsened by a variety of factors, including sun exposure, pollution, and certain lifestyle habits.

As you get older, your skin tends to become thinner and drier, too.

When your skin doesn’t have as much moisture or volume as it used to, it can also make it vulnerable and prone to wrinkles.



As it is well known, Genetics plays a role in how your skin ages over time. This is known as intrinsic aging.

However your family has skin that tends to wrinkle easily,

but you still have a good deal of control over your own skin and how well it ages.

Although it’s inevitable that wrinkles will show up at some point,

taking good care of your skin can go a long way in keeping it wrinkle-free for as long as possible.

Below are lifestyle factors that can help keep your skin looking healthy and youthful.

Protect yourself from sun damage

Exposure to the sun can damage your skin, leading to premature aging and wrinkles.

I recommend using a sunscreen protector as it has the ability to slow down the signs of aging skin.

To protect your skin from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays,

it’s highly important to apply an SPF of between 30 and 50 every day, even if it’s cloudy.

UV rays can still penetrate clouds, so don’t skip sunscreen just because it isn’t sunny.


Moisturizers help to nourish and hydrate the skin.

This is highly important as you get older and your skin becomes drier, which makes it more prone to wrinkles.

I RECOMMEND USING LASHI ANTI–AGING SERUM as it is a moisturizer that contains

retinol and witch hazel preventing wrinkles from forming or getting deeper.

Use coconut oil

Coconut oil is a natural emollient. That means when you apply it to your skin,

it fills in the gaps in your epidermis and makes your skin feel smooth.

Showing your skin some love with coconut oil doesn’t just make it smoother,

Also, it  helps skin retain moisture, which makes your face appear fuller


Eat rich food that contains Vitamin

When it comes to how well your skin ages, what you eat really plays a vital role.

Records have shown that women whose diets include a high amount of red meat and unhealthy snacks

tend to have more facial wrinkles than women who include more fruit in their diet.

Foods that are high in anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties may also improve the skin’s elasticity and

protect against skin damage and premature aging. Some foods and drinks with these qualities include:

  • green tea
  • olive oil
  • salmon
  • avocados
  • pomegranates
  • flax seeds
  • vegetables, especially carrots, pumpkin, leafy greens, bell peppers, and broccoli

Quit Smoking

Smoking is harmful to your skin and causes rapid aging,

particularly with increased facial lines around the mouth called smoker’s lines.

Smoking isn’t the only cause of those lines. Sun damage is another culprit.

Change your Sleeping positions

When you sleep on your side or stomach, the skin can get creased if you end up in the same position each night.

Basically, you’re creating facial wrinkles or creases due to external

pressure on the skin instead of an internal change in the texture of the skin.

Change your sleep position so you avoid pressure on the skin.

Try sleeping on your back or You could also consider using silk pillowcases, which reduce friction against the skin.

Skincare routine

As you age, your skin becomes more dry, sensitive, and easily irritated than when you were younger.

Keeping a consistent skincare regimen can help maintain your skin’s healthy glow.

Try to Cleanse and moisturize your face twice a day.

Wear sunscreen daily, even in the winter, and be sure to reapply it every two to three hours

during high sun exposures. You can also add a topical retinoid to help maintain your skin tone as well.

For more information on any skin-related issues, kindly contact us.

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